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About the game:

The Andromeda Cowboys is a topdown-rpg currently in progress and being worked on. The game is being made in Gb-Studio by a single developer (AKA me). In The Andromeda Cowboys you play as some person with black hair, doing black hair people things.

Blog Thing:

Oh Boy- I Love Restarting!

Time to put all my past two weeks or so of progress in the trash, for a new contender has entered the ring! The entirety of this games development has been worked on in TurboWarp, But recently I have considered going back to an old program I used about a year ago- GB Studio. I have been playing around with it and have decided to switch over to this new engine, because yes, infact it is not easy to make something from the ground up, and no, using an already existing engine to make a game is not something that only a loser would do. I have realized that I am completely wasting my time on things that I would not have to with as much in the GB Studio engine in comparison to TurboWarp. And not only will it be easier, but I will also be able to use a lot of the assets that I have already made, considering that they are all 16 x 16 assets, and that is a default in GB Studio. To give a good fairwell to this project, I've decided that I'll give a zip file with the game I have made in TurboWarp (with some extra, more pointless things stripped away) , and I'll also give some extra art I've made in with it as well. I'll go ahead on to Scratch and upload whatever I can, and hopefully somebody will use it to make something of their own. I am planning on uploading the top-down-rpg style map scrolling to Scratch as well as the Fighting game aspect of it. Consider it a demo of sorts (although a very buggy one at that). Anyways, that is all, I'll chime back on and show off some more whenever it's ready. Bye byeeee

Download for anyone who cares


INVS, August 12th, 2024 (`O-O`)

And So It Proceeds...

Great progress on the game so far! So to make this short, in the past day or so I finally settled down on a solid system for the battle encounters in-game. I made a seperate project in Turbowarp to test the fighting system as to ensure that I don't tamper with any previously made code, and to make it more likely that nothing will break. Suprisingly, of all the things to have saved me was iCloud. I had a single Sb3 file to keep things simple, and had uploaded it to my drive just on a whim along with a bunch of other stuff and then moved on with my day to work on implementing the fighting system later that day. After toying around for a bit I realized that I had completely messed up the players ability to move around in the overworld, and I had not a single clue as to what had happened. After about 45 minutes of just trying to search for bugs, I had remembered that I saved a version to my iCloud drive and that it likely was the version where I hadn't tampered with anything by attempting to implement the fighting system. After all that I've decided to keep the fighting system seperate until I am certain that it is ready to join it with the base game. Today I also have been working on the character sprites for walking around in the overworld, and I've been working on the walking animations as well. I changed the style and resolution of the sprite to 16 x 16, from the previous 32 x 32 resolution. And I finally found a way to work player sprite animation inside of the player walking script. For anyone interested, here is what I did:

Essentially, every time a key that makes you walk is pressed, it changes the walk frame variable. After that the player sprite is changed to the number of the walking frame variable, of which is rounded because there are only four frames, 1-4, and no decimals in the sprite names.

I also used my software, Pixel Studio, to turn the walking animation sprites into these cool little Gifs!

INVS, August 1st, 2024 (o~o)


And So It Begins...

Hey! This is Iliya Stefanov writing. I am the current developer and creator of this game and this website. The game I'm making is currently not much of anything, although I have a set story and a general feeling of what the game is like. I have always wanted to make a project that tests all of my abilities as an artist, and I feel like this game should be the perfect thing. I have already made many sprites, music and already written a load of dialogue for characters in the game and their actions. (I literally just have a document called "Autumns Folly Dialogue" containing everything that the characters say) So I already mentioned that the game is not much of anything at the moment, mainly due to the fact that the project itself is in a sort of limbo state. I am frequently changing my mind on smaller things, but in general the key parts of the story are pretty rock solid at the moment. There is one key thing that has changed in the past half month that I've started this project, and that is the chapters. Originally I intended for there to be two halves to the game, the first being "Heros Quest" (I know so creative right?), following a living sword that is destined to search across 5 lands to find its owner and reunite to follow out some prophecy. But I feel like it has gotten put on the back burner and treated in my mind as more as a tutorial stage, with the second half ("Autumns Folly") being the real meat and juice of the game, with a more emotional story and more developed characters. As very subpar programmer/developer in general, I feel like I want the more artsy side to shine more than the gameplay, mainly because I am not exactly the best at coming up with engaging gameplay loops, nor am I fit to program any in the frist place. In the end, (hahaha linkin park reference) I hope that this small project of mine has an engaging story, good art, and good music above anything else, and maybe it'll be as good as I have always hoped it to be.

INVS, July 28th, 2024 ^(+_+)^


Here are some select few sprites of which are my personal favorite that I've made so far. The more detailed and close up shots of characters faces are the character portrait images that show when conversing with them.

 [State Of The Arts - Online]